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By purchasing a membership you are getting access to unlimited classes to the membership package that you chose. For instance, if you chose the "Baddie Bundle" you would get access to all classes included in that bundle as seen on our enrollment page.

Please see our Enrollment page for prices.

We typically go by seasons. All memberships are on autopay. However, if you join in the last month of a season, you will not be charged again.

Since we have no contracts you are not locked in. If you need to cancel before the upcoming month, please let us know and we can get you taken care of.

Exceptions to this are summer blocks, where you simply pay for the block and that's it.

If it's your first time it's $20 for hip hop/kpop/jazzfunk or $25 for heels/chair for a drop in/class. After that a membership is required. Please contact us ahead of time if you plan to drop in.

At this time our studio is geared towards teens and up. Most kids under 12 will benefit going to a more traditional or competitive studios where they can learn their lefts and rights.

Nope. The majority of our students are over 18+ and many of us are into our 30's and 40's currently. Heck the founder still breaks and he is now 33. Our average age is 28 and trending upwards.

All of our classes are based on skill not age. So you'll be in a class with a wide variety of ages.

We welcome all of those who are new to dance. As long as you know how to have fun while learning and can laugh at your own mistakes (we still make mistakes 100%) then you'll fit right in with us.

Plus all of the professional recordings are just end results that you see, not what it took to get them. Trust us when we say we all mess up including the choreographers! Brain farts happen. We have probably hours worth of blooper footage at this point.

We have conveniently posted it everywhere including on this page for easy viewing.

Yes but they are dependent on instructor availability and must be outside of class times.

In The Studio

We always recommend wearing comfortable clothes to dance in. Beyond that, it's dancer's preference. Some of us like wearing loose and baggy while others like wearing skin tight clothing. You may also purchase clothing from our store.

They are highly recommended for the full experience. Please also bring knee pads!

The 1st thing you should always bring is your own water bottle! A pair of dry dance shoes/heels are always appreciated too.

Please contact us ahead of time if you would like to do so. We try to limit the amount of people in the studio that are not dancing.

Yes, it is bring your own chair. We suggest bringing the foldable metal chairs as seen in our videos.

Nope. Our last 15 min of class are dedicated to filming but it is not required. However we do encourage it to see your own progress and to build confidence.

Our turnaround time is about 2-3 weeks. All footage is posted here in our Google Drive


Please contact us and we can discuss rental.

We generally do not do this unless you have a group that can learn a piece in one session outside of our class times. (such as if the groomsmen are trying to jam out to nsync for example)

The large majority of our studio either goes to school or works during the day and then comes to our studio in the evenings Monday through Friday.

Unfortunately, flash mobs from our experience have been near impossible to coordinate. In addition to this, all dancers would need to be compensated for their time. We only made one exception to a flash mob and that was for one of our own instructors.

Just like the flash mobs, it's extremely hard to coordinate. Generally the answer is no. We would however be able to provide rental space to practice OR can do the filming with our professional equipment.
